Local amateur weather forecaster Angie Brown says we have a really nice week ahead.

As we head into the Canada Day long weekend Brown says it should be very typical for this time of year.

"Right now, it's a beautiful seven degrees and today we're on our way to a high of 24.  Sunny with a bit of a mix of sun and cloud today and tomorrow is also sunny and a high of 24... Wednesday is a perfect day for baseball windup and a high of 25 and sunny.  

Thursday we're getting cloudy with a 60 per cent chance of showers and a high of 21.  And Friday is sunny and a high of 18.  

Saturday, high of 22 and a mix of sun and cloud. 

Sunday, a mix of sun and cloud with a 30 per cent chance of showers and a high of 22."

Angie Brown joins her Uncle Charlie Brown on Monday mornings just after the 6:30 a.m. News.

You can follow Angie on her Facebook page 'Angie's weather or knot'.

And you can check the seven-day weather forecast on the High River Online weather page.