Trails in Bow Valley are being upgraded, and the Provincial government is asking for input.

Due to the popularity of trail-based recreation in the Bow Valley, the existing trail system needs to be expanded in order to safely provide an enjoyable visitor experience, all while protecting the Valley's natural beauty.

Because of the need to expand, the Alberta government is wanting to hear from all Albertans, including local governments, Indigenous communities, and recreation organizations, to help shape the new trails plan in the Canmore area.

The input from the online survey will be used while developing a comprehensive plan for trails on Crown land in Bow Valley, which has become a known destination for outdoor activities, such as hiking, horseback riding, biking, and more.

"Well-maintained, safe trails allow visitors to explore nature, support healthy lifestyles and reduce impacts on natural spaces and human-wildlife interactions," explained Minister of Forestry and Parks, Todd Loewen in a media release from June 22nd. "An integrated Crown land trails system in the Canmore area is needed to help manage current and future recreation and tourism demands. We are delivering on our promise to invest in the Canmore area."

As part of the upgrades to the trail network, they will be addressing existing challenges, conserving the local ecosystems in Bow Valley, and helping to support outdoor recreation opportunities along the almost 850 kilometres of trails in the Canmore Area Trails Strategy project area.

The recommended changes to the trail system will be implemented over the next 10 to 15 years.

The online survey where people can provide their input is available until July 24th and can be found here.