The whacky weather so far this spring has caused some difficulties for High River Minor Soccer in being able to compete on the soccer field.

VP and Director of Community Relations for High River Minor Soccer, Tony Walker said, "Unfortunately with the weather a lot of games were postponed. So, our season is off to a rough start."

While they haven't been able to play many games, two of the U11 teams, the High River Rapids and the High River Rascals have gone undefeated during the season with two wins and a tie to each of their names.

Mason Walker who is a part of the High River Rapids wrote a poem about his love for the game.

"In the green expanse where passions play, where dreams take flight in the light of day, there lies a field where heroes roam, A stage where hearts find their true home."

"With every kick, a story told, in every sprint, a dream unfolds, The ball a canvas, the players paint, A masterpiece of skill and faint. From the pitch to the page with every kick a player is made, if soccer has taught me anything it is that you can overcome anything if, and only if you love something enough."