Yarmouth, Nova Scotia's own Nash Crowell is in his third season with the Okotoks Dawgs and has been a player the Dawgs continue to rely on. 

Crowell's debut as a Dawg came in 2021 when he was a member of the Dawgs Red team with current members Tucker Zdunich and Caleb Lumbard. He came back again and was a part of the WCBL Championship team last year posting 10 home runs during the season.

Baseball has been the sport of choice for the Crowell family, going back generations. He explained it was his dad who first got him into the game.

Nash Crowell getting low to put out a Prospect at first base.Nash Crowell getting low to put out a Prospect at first base.

"He played baseball, his dad played baseball and so my grandfather coached my dad. Then growing up my dad coached me up until U13 and then I moved over to different countries. Everyone kind of played," Crowell said.

"Ever since I was little my dad and my mom told me a story, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said I wanted to be a baseball player and around four I started playing tee-ball. I told them 'I don't want to do this' I want to wait until I'm old enough to have actual pitchers because I didn't like just hitting off the tee."

Any fans who have been out to see the Dawgs and Crowell will notice that when he steps up to bat, unlike most of the team, he doesn't wear gloves. Instead, he has gone with the old-school way and hits with his bare hands.

"Growing up I never wore it, a bunch of kids had all the different gear, not to be different it's just something I never really got into. I like to feel the bat, I feel like if I wear gloves it kind of restricts that," he said.

"I use lizard skin which is a grip that you wrap around the bat. I get this thinnest one so I will feel the bat."

Nash Crowell swinging at an incoming pitch.Nash Crowell swinging at an incoming pitch.

Crowell, who wears #44 for the Dawgs, has seven walks so far this season with a number of them coming from being hit by a ball while at bat. 

"I don't think anyone ever tried to hit you on purpose just because then it's a runner on base. I stand pretty much over the plate like I'm really up in the box, so it's easier to lose a pitch and hit a guy when you stand that close," Crowell explained.

"It's a part of the game. I got hit a bunch all through playing baseball and I mean it will hurt for a second but, you get over it."

Baseball wasn't the only sport he tried growing up mentioning he played hockey, basketball, and volleyball.

Crowell was also named to the 2023 third All-American team in the NAIA after a solid season with Reinhardt University where Jarrett Burney and Zdunich were his teammates.

"It feels good just to get recognized for the season I had. Our whole team, we had a great year. There was other guys on the team that were All-Americans as well. It was cool just to get recognized for the success we had."

Nash Crowell signaling to the outfield after Dawgs got an out.Nash Crowell signaling to the outfield after Dawgs got an out.

Burney has made his debut for the Dawgs this year and thanks can be given to both Crowell and Zdunich for giving the organization high praise.

"He always wanted to come to Canada just from us talking about it. He came last Christmas and came to the field to check everything out. He thought it was sick. So, over this past school year, we were telling him 'You should come' and it would be sweet. Tucker texted Lou (Pote, Interim General Manager) about Burney, he was like yeah he's a good player, let's get him up here. Burney wanted to come, and he's been loving it," he said. 

Crowell talked fondly about his experience during his first year with the Dawgs in 2021, stating it was a great introduction to playing against college players before going for his freshman year.

Last year he played throughout most of the season but had to leave after the first round to go back to play college ball for Reinhardt University and will be doing the same this year.

Nash Crowell with his glove open to make a catch at first.Nash Crowell with his glove open to make a catch at first.

"I had to go to school after the first round against Fort Mac, my coach gave us a report date I think it was the 14th of August. So, I only played against Fort Mac but, the boys were rolling. We come out, play here won game one, I think it was a good chunk of runs, hopped on the bus and drove to Fort Mac, played there, drove back and then I was gone. I wish I could have stayed for the last couple games but..."

When asked about the differences between this year and last Crowell mentioned just some new faces are on the team but everyone has been meshing well together. He also said there are a lot of similarities between the two teams.

The chemistry between the team can be seen from the stands as the Dawgs have each other's backs and in the pre-games are laughing while cracking jokes between each other. Crowell mentioned it's easy for him to build those relationships as he is a "social butterfly".

Nash Crowell looking to smash the ball as he takes a swing.Nash Crowell looking to smash the ball as he takes a swing.

When asked about what is his favourite part of baseball #44 for the Dawgs was quick to mention his love of playing in front of the masses at Seaman Stadium.

"Here, it is the fans. The fans here are unbelievable. I was telling Burney this his first night, like you will have 5,000 people here and they all want you to succeed. They are cheering for you to do good and it's a cool feeling," Crowell said.

Coming from Nova Scotia, Crowell said the biggest difference between back home and Okotoks is "there is no ocean".

Meanwhile, on the diamond, Crowell hit his second home run of the season in Thursday's 10-2 win over the Fort McMurray Giants.

10 Questions for Nash Crowell:

How many ballpark hot dogs can you eat in one sitting?

"I would say I could go for eight. That challenge going around with nine hot dogs, nine beers in nine innings, I could do it by the fourth inning."

If you could meet one person in this world, who would it be?

"I would have to say Tom Hanks. He is one of my favourite actors. I wouldn't want to travel with him though. Castaway, Captain Phillips, Sully..."

What is your guilty pleasure song?

"Oh, probably Kadyn Williams's walkout song, Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield."

What is your favourite movie or TV show?

"My favourite movie is Dazed and Confused, and the TV show is Prison Break 100 per cent."

What is your go-to cheat meal?

"Some tacos, a lot of tacos."

Favourite sport other than baseball?

"Hockey, 100 per cent."

Favourite ball player and team growing up?

"I was a big Jeter guy because Yankees were my team as well. He had it."

Would you rather live in a city full of people or the mountains with no one in sight?

"Mountains, that's what I want to do in a couple of years. Just go into the woods and disappear."

If I could grant you one wish right now, what would you wish for?

"More wishes."

What is better, seafood in the Maritimes or Alberta Beef?

"Seafood in the Maritimes, it's not even close."